Contact the Lab
The Nayak lab is located on the first floor of Koshland Hall in the northwest corner of the UC Berkeley campus.
Our Lab Address is:
141 Koshland Hall
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3204
Nayak Lab
Our Mailing Address is:
1Barker Hall # 3204
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3204
Lab Phone Number: +1-510-664-5266
Note: Please use our mailing address for shipping packages!
For plasmids, strains, and research materials please reach out to the PI by email at: dnayakATberkeleyDOTedu
Follow our lab on twitter: @lab_nayak
Accessibility statement: Our lab is committed to making our science accessible to everyone. To that end, if any of the information on our website is not accessible to you for some reason, please reach out to us at dnayaklab ATgmail DOTcom. We would be happy to convey this material to you in a suitable format. Thank you!
Please find details in the respective category below.
Please note: at this time, we do not have technician positions available in the lab.
If you are an undergraduate student, at UC Berkeley or elsewhere, interested in archaea, microbial genetics, experimental evolution, archaeal physiology, microbial metabolism or any other aspects of our research feel free to reach out to us about research opportunities by filling out this form.
There are many different ways to get engaged in research as an undergraduate so please do write in any specific comments or questions you might have while filling out the aforementioned form.
A few resources for undergraduate research funding and fellowships are listed below:
- UC Berkeley Amgen Scholars
- NSF REU at UC Berkeley
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) at UC Berkeley
- Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) at UC Berkeley
- National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP)
- Bridges to Baccalaureate (B2B) Program
- Biology Scholars Program (BSP)
- McNair Scholars Program
Prospective Graduate Students
* We have openings for 1-2 graduate students in the 2021-2022 academic year*
Graduate student candidates interested in the lab can apply to the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Graduate Program or the Graduate program in Microbiology hosted by the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology.
Useful Links for Graduate applicants:
- Graduate admissions FAQs.
- Writing the personal statement
- Writing the statement of purpose
- Requesting an application fee waiver
- Applying to the UC Berkeley MCB PhD program by Avi Flamholz
If you have additional questions about the graduate application process please contact:
- MCB GAO regarding the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Graduate Program
- Lyn Rivera regarding the Graduate program in Microbiology
The MCB and PMB graduate programs allows graduate students to rotate in three-four labs prior to joining a thesis lab. Students interested in rotating in our lab should contact Dipti Nayak (dnayakATberkeleyDOTedu) by email at least two-three weeks prior to the start of the rotation.
Graduate Student Fellowships
Graduate students pursuing their thesis research are encouraged to apply for graduate fellowships or research funding such as:
- American Association of University Women (AAUW) Dissertation Fellowship
- Ford Foundation Fellowship Program
- HHMI Gilliam Fellowship
- Hertz Foundation Fellowship
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
- NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship
- Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR)
Dipti Nayak is a part of the training faculty for the Genetic Dissection of Cells and Organisms Training Program (GDTP) and Molecular Basis of Cell Function Training Program sponsored by the NIH at UC Berkeley.
We welcome postdocs trained in any area within the microbial sciences or interested in developing new tools for emerging archaeal model systems.
If you are interested in joining the lab please email Dipti Nayak (dnayakATberkeleyDOTedu) with the following information:
- CV
- A relevant and recent manuscript (pre-print OK!)
- A one-page cover letter with a brief description of your graduate research and an outline of a potential postdoc project that you would like to conduct in the Nayak lab
- Contact information for three referees
Prospective postdocs are encouraged to apply for fellowships such as those listed below:
- Agouron Institute Geobiology Fellowship
- Berkeley Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
- Ford Foundation Fellowship
- Hannah H Gray Fellows Program
- The Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Jane Coffins Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Miller Research Fellowship
- NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Program
- NRSA Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32)
- NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology
- University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
© Nayak Lab 2021
All rights reserved.